Sunday, July 31, 2022

Uncle Steve's Veggie Stand @ The Brewster Roadhouse!!


Hey everyone!  Check out the new veggie stand I've set up here at the Brewster Roadhouse! Click here to see more pics!

Welcome to Uncle Steve's Veggies Stand
(and other stuff!)

Meh, my best effort only gets a C+.
It's a work-in-progress!

More info!
Contact me, why not?!

Clearly, my kerning sucks! 

Barely adequate signage for the win!

Looks inviting, right?!

Take what you'll use, leave a buck or two if you'd like!

Come back again soon to see what's be freshly picked!

Thanks for stopping by Uncle Steve's Veggie Stand at!
I hope you and your people are doing well!


Uncle Steve

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