Wednesday, January 8, 2020

New Year's Eve Brötchen!!

Happy New Year!!  I made brötchen (rolls) to bring to the party! Woot!  Click here to check out how I made them!

Happy New Year!  I hope you have a great 2020!
Have yourself a warm, garlicky roll fresh out of the oven!

I started with my standard pizza dough recipe!

I made this the day before and stoached it in the fridge over night
to let it relax and let the love happen.

Start by dividing it up into 16 relatively-uniform sized pieces.

One by one, roll the tip under itself, then shove the whole thing
through the hole between your thumb and index finger
to make them into balls

Rolling them in this manner gives them layers that pull apart nicely once they're baked!

Grab yourself a brewski, put the game on, then get to rolling brötchen!

Using scissors, nip 'em all one way...

Then, rotate the pan 90°, then nip 'em all again!
To prevent squishin' the tips, nip each side
 separately on the second pass, IYKWIS.

Dab 'em with some melted butter mixed w/ garlic powder,
then hit 'em with some parsley to make them sexy!

Lookin' good!

Stoach these in a warm oven until you're ready to go to the NYE party!

15 min 500°, give or take, and they're done!

Let them cool down on a rack before diving in!

Ooooh!  The bottoms came out perfect tooooo!

These little brötchen were a hit at the party!
They're super versatile and go with virtually any meal!
Heck, I like slicing one in half, adding lunchmeat, and havin' myself a lil sammich!
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