As you well know, this is soup season!
The cold weather has got me in the mood to make some soup,
especially since I just made a fresh batch of homemade kluski!
Grab a quart of homemade chicken stock from the freezer!
We're also gonna need a dolsot pot!
Oh, wait, what?! You don't have a dolsot pot??
Well, you can get yourself one on Amazon by clicking here!
A dolsot pot is very versatile and perfect for making soup!
You can use whatever soup pot you've got, but definitely consider
getting yourself or a chef you love a dolsot pot!
Set the heat to low and chuck a lid on it!
Let's get on with this already!
While the stock thaws, give the mini carrots another rinse!
You remember, right? The ones you grew in window planter boxes!
Hack 'em up into pieces roughly the same size!
Well, looky here!
The stock has thawed!
Into the hot tub go the carrots!
Yeasssss! Look how happy they are!!!
Crank the heat up a little!
A little Lawry's seasoned salt, why not?!
Give it a stir!
Nowwww, I should've put the celery in at this point,
but I totally forgot (until later).
These are the kluski that I made yesterday!
Nothin' quite like homemade kluski!!
Had I remembered, I'd've cooked the
carrots and celery for a while before having
tossed the kluski into the pot,
but, hey, it is what it is! pyt!
Cilantro, of course! Duh!
Let's kick up the heat!!
Just a few of the thai hot peppers from last year's garden!
That oughta do it!
Add more or less depending on how spicy you like your soup!
Hotttt damnnnnnn!!
Lookin' good!
Oh shit! I just remembered the celery!
It's a little late to the party, but
better late than never, I s'pose!
Lid it for 10 minutes while it simmers to soften up the veggies!
Clean up the kitchen while you wait!
When the veggies are done enough, it's time to dive in!
Grab a ladle and your favorite soup bowl!

I never make soup exactly the same way twice!
It all depends on what ingredients I have on-hand
and how much time I have available!
I certainly hope you enjoyed seeing how I made this batch of soup!
I'd love to hear what you think! How can I improve this recipe??
Thank you very much for visiting!
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