Kluski means noodles in Polish!
This is a secret family recipe for homemade kluski
we've handed down for tens of thousands of years!
But why keep it a secret?!
But why keep it a secret?!
I'll show you how to whip up a big batch of kluski,
then finish them in a General Tso's glaze!
First thing's first!
Get a big wok of water on the boil!
Lid it!
Now, grab the noodle dough!
Y'know, the one you made 1-5 days ago,
then stoached in the fridge!
Obviously, you had it sprayed w lube and wrapped in plastic
to prevent a crust from forming.
The rest in the fridge gives the dough a chance to let the love happen,
which allows you to bang out loooooong kluski.
You can skip the nap in the fridge, but don't, if you can help it!
Grab a brewski, put the game on and get ready to make some kluski!
She's a beauty, eh?!
Silky smooth and dense!
Super pliable and ready for stretchin'!
Hack it up into manageable pieces.
Cut as seen above will make a large, broad kluski
which would be perfect for making
drunken noodles!
Cut in half again lengthwise (seen above)
makes skinnier, spaetzle-like pasta
perfect for making into General Tso's kluski!
Dust a pan w/ flour to use as the on-deck circle
for the next batch going into the boiling water!
Use a chopstick to press down and
crease the entire length of each piece of dough.
(I forgot to take a pic of this! Schwoops!)
Then, slap the dough on the counter as you stretch it!
Once you've got it stretched out as far as you think you can get it,
rip it in half lengthwise along the crease you made!
Above is before ripping it, below is after!
Put it on the tray to await its turn in the boiling water!
The flour will prevent it from sticking
They only need a few (2-3?) minutes!
When they float, they're done!
Into a collander, batch by batch!
The ripped edge along the length of the fat kluski
give them a sexy look and the ability to grab sauce really well!
Sometimes they rip lengthwise incorrectly, but you'll get the hang of it quick!
So, get to it!
They don't make themselves!
As I mentioned, the thinner dough pieces make skinnier kluski!
Make both thin and thick ones, especially with a lump of dough this big!
You'll be surprised how many kluski you get!
I made a ton from this doughball!
As careful as you might be not to rip it,
they usually break when you boil 'em,
so don't sweat it if you can't make perfect hoops!
Keep at it!
This can take ages, but homemade kluski are well worth it!
Batch after batch!
You'll be happy you made a shitload!
Trust me!
Here's the whole batch!
Well, at least the ones I didn't eat as they came out fresh!
Fat kluski above, skinny kluski below!
See what I'm saying 'bout the sexy ripped edge on the fat kluski?!
Kluski are amazingly versatile and can be finished
the same way you would make gnocci, spaetzle, matso, and dumplin's!
So, let's get to it!
Into a wok goes a big of oil and a few clove of garlic!
I'm gonna keep it simple and use a General Tso's sauce
to finish it after I fry the kluski in garlic chili oil!
Once the garlic is sizzlin'...
...add the crushed chili peppers!
Toss in the kluski and fry them for a bit!
Add a bit, not a lot, of the General Tso's sauce,
then toss it to coat the kluski evenly.
Into the air fryer to really sizzle up these kluski!
10 min at 400°, give or take!
Check 'em every so often until they're as toasty as you'd like!
I love mine with crispy bits, so I really broil the hell out of 'em!
Lookin' good!
Let's finish them!
A little cilantro, why not?!
Now, add a little General Tso's sauce and mix them up until they're glazed!
Be careful not to add too much sauce!
You don't want them swimming!
Now, that's what I'm talking about!
All in all, kluski are a lot of work,
but they are definitely worth it!
I still have a ton left to make into chicken kluski soup tomorrow,
so be sure to come back to see how it comes out!
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