Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Basias Pickles!!

Oh, you haven't heard??  My good friend Basia makes the best damn pickles in the Universe!  Click here to check out the little promo video I recently made for Basia's Pickles!

If you'ven't yet had Basia's Pickles, you're missing out!!  Head over to BasiasPickles.com to get your pickle on!

Do ya reaallly love pickles?!  
Of course you do!

Click on the image below to the home page at BasiasPickles.com!

As the saying goes...
"Born in Detroit -- Perfected in Texas!!"
Click here or on the image below to read a little about the inspiring story of how Basia's Pickles came to be "The best damn pickles in the Universe!"

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