Sunday, July 7, 2013

Happy Independence Day!! -- 07-04-2013

Happy 4th!!!  To celebrate, this year we set up a 100 ft slip-n-slide, played yard games, and cooked up a mountain of fried food -- all followed by blasting off a buncha fireworks!!  Check out pics & vids of the shenanigans! 

The slip-n-slide was a hit!!

We had a little rocket ship on which to ride!
I used baby shampoo to lube up the vinyl!

These are animated gif's of the full videos!
I'm working on uploading them to YouTube!

Byrnes managed to step in a giant gob of pine tar (sap) that had recently found its way to my place on a log!
He cried in his beer the whole time he was cleaning it off w/ solvent!

Guba Dukes, in his natural state!


I was taking pics while frying up...

...nacho chips!

These chips came out AWESOME!!

This was only part of the whole batch that I made from a bag of corn tortillas that I got for less than $2.00 at Sam's Club!  Screw buyin' Frito Lay Scoops!  These are far better!

Byrnes is one serious party animal!

Kan Jam, yo!

We also played Frisbee Cups, horseballs, and catch w/ a Nerf Vortex F-ball!
Kudos to Kristen for having one hell of an arm!

Getting ready for blast off!

This seemed to be a fairly effective way of ensuring skyward trajectories for our surface-to-air ordinance!

Who said we wouldn't use the 10X20??  Certainly not I!

Google does neat things w pics all on its own!

Tan Santana:  "Hey!  What's that?!"

Me: "Oh, that?! That's vodka-infused fruit!! Help yourself!"

Santana Banana:  "Awwwwllllllllriiiiiiigghhhhtttt!!!""

"Marine Adventure" Chicken nuggets and redskin potato home fries!

Endangered species have never tasted so chicken-like!

Time for more yard games!

At this point, it was just a matter of waiting for it to get dark so that we could blast off the fireworks!
Check back soon for videos of the mortars going off!

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