Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner! -- 02-12-2013

I just don't get why people feel intimidated by cooking.  Perhaps, they fear screwing it all up, but if you're the only one for whom you are making dinner, then what difference does it make?!  You can always deep-six it, then go get a Hot-N-Ready!  Not necessary in this case because this pile of deliciousness is a no-brainer!

'Course ya do!

You should know the routine by now!
Out of the freezer and into the microwavulator on defrost!

Only thaw them as long as it takes to get them separated!

I think these are ready to go!

Get that water boilin'!

In go the chicken breasts!

Look how happy they are!

They'll never get steamed if you stand there
taking pictures and drooling!

So, get a lid on it!

I thought it looked a little naked,
so I tossed in some Vegeta, a litte Lawry's Seasoned Salt, and Granulated Garlic!

Coming along nicely!

Remember the broccoli that I had set aside the other night when I made soup?
Well, it's now time to fire it into the nuker for a few minutes while the chicken & rice finish up!

Ah, yeas!!!  Lookin' good!!! 
If you aren't sure how to check done-ness by thumping them w your finger,
you need more practice! 
Cut 'em if you have to... :)

Finally, it's ready to eat!

I'm starvin'!

One more sexy close-up, why not?!

Total of 1.5 tblsp vegetable oil in this whole pan!

Guilt-free & easy-peasy!

Now, if I only had someone cute with whom to eat dinner!

Leftovers for lunch?!
Hell yeah, sign me up!

Plenty to stuff my face with at lunch tomorrow!

This oughta make my co-workers jealous!

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