OMG! Dan Dan the Hoo-Haa Man threw one helluva Xmas Tree Burning Party again this year! Check out this gigantic bonfire we had!
Each year, a good friend of mine, Dan Dan the Hoo-Haa Man, gathers as many Xmas trees as he can find to burn at his annual Xmas Tree Burning Party! Once again, he had managed to collect over 5 dozen (60+!) xmas trees & over 2 dozen pallets to incinerate as we stand around drinkin' merrily in this post-holiday celebration!! The flames were over 40 ft tall at times because we'd thrown on between 4 - 7 trees on at once! These pics speak for themselves, so I'm not going to bother putting captions unless necessary!
As always, click on any image to embiggen! :)
For those of you who want to see the entire gallery, click here!
I can't wait to do this again next year!!!! Who's up for heading to Ohio with me?! -- Steve
Holy shit!! We couldn't wait to get to the party!
Awwww, what a cute couple!
Get your hands off my junk, Yahoo!
Lauren had never previously experienced a road trip
with me and my legal representatives!
Boy, was she in for a special treat!
Boy, was she in for a special treat!
Must cram all this beer into the vehicle!
The man, the myth, the legend: Yahoo!
Who you lookin' at??
About to start the blaze!
A little gas and a lit piece of paper and...
Get to work, Byrnestein!
I'm busy screwing around here!
Another bigass log for the fire!
On three... one... two...
Break time!
Moar wood!
That's one big-ass pile of trees!
A few dozen pallets ought to do it!
More wood, why not!
Had to be at least 60 trees in this pile!
Yahoo & Byrnestein, cartoonified!
Givin' her the old heave-ho!
Get 'er done!
Yahoo loves touching himself!
Pocket pool is Yahoo's forté!
GSD, Byrnes!!
It's getting there...
Needs moar wood!!
Lauren is wondering what she got herself into!
Say, why not climb on this pile of trees?!?
This was a prelude to our drunken game of King of the Hill later!
Ooof, arggh..
meh, hrrmph!
Later on, Byrnes, Yahoo, Shotgun & I re-stacked the pile higher,
then battled each other as we climbed to the top!
Needless to say, young Chuck came out victorious over us out-of-shape old guys!
Later on, Byrnes, Yahoo, Shotgun & I re-stacked the pile higher,
then battled each other as we climbed to the top!
Needless to say, young Chuck came out victorious over us out-of-shape old guys!
Finally, people are showing up!
Time to stoke this blaze!!
Time to stoke this blaze!!
Another one bites the dust!
WoooHooo!!! Needs more wood!
The crowd grows as does the bonfire!
Burn, baby, burn!!
Who? Us?
Naw, we didn't start this fire!!
Naw, we didn't start this fire!!
The Grand Poobah & Yahoo about to grab another beer...
...right after some bromance!!
Time for moar fire!!!!
Yeah, baby! Now it's going!
Frankie is our Chief Overseer of Fire Operations!
Frankie is our Chief Overseer of Fire Operations!
Panorama shot!
Click to embiggen!
Click to embiggen!
Time to burn pallets!
F@ckin' A this was HOT!
Thanks again to Hoo Haa & Christie for hosting yet another great bash!
Click here to see the entire gallery!
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