Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Pancakes!! -- 01-04-2013

Presumably, many of my loyal readers wonder what a smart, sexy, & charming guy like me does on a Friday night!  Click here to find out!

A studly guy like me is still getting shit done!
Grab your KitchenAid, we're makin' pancakes at midnight!!

That oughta do it!!
If you're gonna make a batch, why not make it a double?!

Toss it in the KitchenAid!

Don't over-do it!

That's it!  Leave it lumpy!
The lumps will cook out!

Get to pouring! 

Flip them when they are ready!
Set 'em aside and let them cool off before tossing them in a bag then into the freezer!
These are great straight out of the freezer into the toaster oven until hot!
Easy-peasy thing to make right before work in the morning w/o any effort!

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