Saturday, December 29, 2012

Splitting Logs!! 12-09-2012

Splitting logs in Michigan on a mild December afternoon while huckin' on beer & hangin' out!  Click here to check out the vid!

I managed to score a buttload of wood for one a helluva deal!

I borrowed a 27 ton hydraulic log-splitter from one of my people!

So, I called the gang and got them to come over to give me a hand!

I was thrilled that they were here to help!
I may also have been slightly stoked about wearing 6 shirts, a hoodie, and a Carhartt
even though it was kind of unnecessary!

This was a ton of wood to split!

It was a lot of work...

...but it was well worth it!
How can ya beat a blazing fireplace on a frigid winter night?!

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