Monday, September 10, 2012

An Erection Session!!

Over the last few months, I've been building my own geodesic dome in which to party (as some of you are well aware)!  Though it has taken seemingly an eternity to get this cut, stamped, deburred, angled, and erected, I assure you that it will have been well worth the wait!  For many months, the dome sat as a piled-up bundle of stamped steel in the middle of my living room, but no longer!   I've finally managed to get the remaining hardware necessary to get it set up, which is exactly what Schertzer, the neighbor Joe Micelli, & I did yesterday!  Click on this post to check out more pics of the erection (process)!

I was recently challenged by my father to figure out a way
to erect this dome without the use of scaffolding or ladders.

Well, I managed to get it put up with just 3 guys and
the use of only one ladder to tighten a few bolts!

We started by building the very top pentagon first.

Laying out the next set of struts

Up goes the next level!

It was a bit awkward at times...

...but it was only our first time setting it up!
Undoubtedly, the next time will go smoother!

Tightening of the bolts has to be done after an entire level is up.

Planning our next move...

Making more connections

Hurrying to beat the setting sun

Reverse angle!

The hill on which we built this monstrosity made it want to walk down hill.


2 hrs for 2.5 guys to build it the first time!

Once complete, the structure was very sturdy/rigid!

The view from the inside out!

Getting hard to take pics in the waning light!

First daylight shot of the dome at sun-up!!!

Now, it's just a matter of tearing it down, painting it w/ a base coat of white, then sealing it
with a very durable, rust-proof epoxy-based top coat!

After that, it's just a matter of designing a functional cover for the dome, then it's

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