Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Some Dogs Love Their Veggies!

Zoey behaves well -- sometimes!
Wouldn'tcha know it?!?  Some dogs actually love veggies!  A few weeks back, Chicago Bob was in town for a wedding, so Zoey & I had the fortune of hangin' out together for most of the weekend while he was off partyin'!

Dogaroo loves elote!!
Now, the two of us had a good time playing fetch and wrasslin' around, but we worked up an appetite, so I made some elote!  Of course, dogaroo wanted some too, so who am I to be a dick and say "No"??  I gave her just a little to try and she loved it!  When I gave her the remainder of the cob, she ran off with it, then started going to town on it!  There wasn't much left on it after just a minute or two! I've never seen a dog that loves corn as much as this one!

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