Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Dying from Dehydration

Though the sun had already dipped below the horizon, last night I cleaved a rather large harvest of  "rainbow" hot peppers before moving on to the habanero and japaleno plants with a deftness and precision that would make a ninja look like a hack.  I left my victims screaming silently in the twilight as I scurried the produce indoors to await its date with destiny in the food dehydrator.  A boisterous round of slightly maniacal laughter emanated unintentionally as I sacrificed my vegetative victims to the Gods of Food Dehydration.  Somehow, during all the craziness of the dancing and what with the whooping it up and all, I managed to get a few pics of the victims after they'd been interned to their well-ventilated graves! 

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