Friday, May 18, 2012

Come and get 'em!!!

A typical Saturday night hangin' out
 w Amanda & Santana!
We've finally received the shipment of Big Pig Rig t-shirts!!!  They came out lookin' sweet!!  Half of the dozen that we've ordered have already been claimed, but there are a few left that are up for grabs!  So, if you're interested in having one to call your own, just shoot me a note or post a comment and let me know what size!  We're hawking this stylish cookwear for a measly $20 each! Cheap!  There are two styles from which to choose:  Black ink on a white t-shirt and vice versa!  
Be sure to let me know what size and color you want and I'll get one to you the next time we cross paths!  We're also going to be offering more BPR items for sale during the next few weeks, so be sure to come back to see what else we have to offer!  Aprons and hats are certainly going to be available soon too!  We can also have other items made, so if there is something in particular you want with the BPR logo on it, just let me know! 

Check back soon for more & better pics of the new shirts!  These are the only ones I've taken w/ someone wearing the shirt so far! 

This was the best pic of the back of the shirt that I had at the moment!

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